Register for the Kroger Community Rewards Program
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor program over the years. (By assigning their Kroger Plus number to Bay Area Meals on Wheels, a portion of their purchases goes to support our program.) In 2015 we received over $1,100 from the Kroger program because of purchases made by our friends and supporters.
Beginning in 2013 Kroger changed their program slightly. They require Kroger Plus numbers to be registered on line via the Kroger Community Rewards Program website. This will allow Kroger to send notices of special sales and coupon specials directly to their customers. After linking your card to Bay Area Meals on Wheels, we will receive quarterly checks. You will need to reregister every year just as before.
Registering your Kroger Plus number on line and then linking it to Bay Area Meals on Wheels is easy to do. If you do not have a Kroger Plus card, you can get one at any Kroger Customer Service Desk. Among other benefits is a Senior Citizens discount on all Kroger brand items.
To register your Kroger Plus card online and open an account:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on “Register” in the upper right side of the page
Step 3: Enter information as requested, note that a password must be between 6-12 characters and have at least one letter and one number.
Step 4: You can select to receive specials and coupons or not.
Step 5: Choose the store location that you normally use.
Step 6: Click on create account.
Step 7: You will then be asked if you want to enter your Kroger Plus number.
Step 8: Enter your number and last name as requested and click on “add card”
Step 9: Then go to your email and open the Kroger message and activate the account.
We thank you so much for your interest and support!
To link your card to Bay Area Meals on Wheels if you already have an online account:
Step 1: Sign in to your account
Step 2: Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information – input your Kroger Plus card number. (if you use your phone number at the register instead of your card, you can call customer service at 800-576-4377 and ask for your 12 digit Plus Card number)
Step 3: Update or confirm your information, including Community Awards information
Step 4: Enter our ID number 80720 and search.
Step 5: Click to confirm the Bay Area Meals on Wheels, Inc. choice and Save
Step 6: To verify you are enrolled, you should see our name on the lower right side of your information page.
About 7 – 10 days later you should see our donor information on the bottom of your receipts.