Serving the Houston-Bay Area for 40 Years.
Celebrating our 40th Anniversary with Active Volunteers at the Hilton Hotel-Clear Lake on March 16, 2022.
Our faithful leaders and volunteers have worked tirelessly for many years delivering hot meals to our
home-bound clients in the greater Clear Lake area out of spaces donated primarily by local churches.
(Shown below: Current home-House of Prayer Lutheran Church)
To recognize this work and the many other achievements provided by BAMOW, we will celebrate our
40th Anniversary of service at the Hilton Hotel-Clear Lake on March 16, 2022.
(Shown below: Hilton Hotel-Clear Lake)
Read on to gain a more complete understanding of our origins and history.

House of Prayer Lutheran Church

Hilton Hotel-Clear Lake
1982 - The Early Years.
Thanks to a handful of visionary members of the community, BAMOW got its start in early 1982.
A key to BAMOW’s beginning was the vision of several strong community members who, for many years thereafter, saw fit to recognize the plight of members of the community who were home-bound and had great difficulty caring for themselves.
- First, came an initial organizational meeting at the Clear Lake United Methodist Church.
- Fifty-one (or more) citizens offered views on how to serve the home-bound population in Clear Lake City.
- Then, came various small group discussions with many of the same concerned people in attendance.
- Then, came an orientation meeting where an oath and creed were recited. This group of citizens was serious!
- Then, came a commitment from St. John’s Hospital to provide hot meals to be delivered to the home-bound population.
- Then, came generous donations from individuals and organizations to help purchase the hot meals.
- Then, came various promotional efforts using a real-to-life covered wagon (from which our iconic logo came).
- Then, came the actual meal deliveries by the volunteers to the home-bound population using their own cars.
- Finally, Bay Area Meals on Wheels was born and had gained legs!
1987 - Five Year Anniversary.
The first five years were full of challenges-the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!
Numerous, strong community members wrestled with these challenges until clarity was developed enough to recognize that a sizeable group of older, underappreciated, home-bound, shut-in citizens were most in need of service. With help from BAMOW in the form of hot meals and sack lunches, as well as welfare checks, these citizens could remain safely in their homes for extended periods of time.
- The 5 Year Anniversary of BAMOW was celebrated with a pot-luck dinner at the Clear Lake United Methodist Church.
- Numerous Volunteers were recognized.
- Numerous Volunteers were recognized.
- Numerous Volunteers were recognized.
- Numerous Volunteers were recognized.
- Delivery of hot meals continued strong during the year.
1990 - Poor Economy & Times.
BAMOW continued serving despite a down economy, loss of volunteers and reduced donations.
The passing of several key administrative officers gave other volunteers an opportunity to fill in very important positions. Thankfully, St. John’s Hospital didn’t raise prices and were a reliable source of hot food for our clients during the year. Praise the Lord!
- A very informative article in ThisWeek magazine recognized the substantial effort required to carry out its mission this year.
1992 - 10 Year Anniversary.
The Clear Lake City community continued to recognize the home-bound citizens in their midst.
BAMOW relied heavily on selfless volunteers in the greater Clear Lake City area to use their own cars for deliveries. With as many as 60 clients being delivered hot meals every day (eight clients per route by two volunteers per car), the need for volunteers was obviously great. Currently, if you feel the need and that you could help out, please go here. May God bless our volunteers.
- Photos of BAMOW volunteers.
1994 - God bless our Donors.
The Clear Lake City community continued to recognize the home-bound citizens in their midst.
Many organizations near and far from Clear Lake City donated to BAMOW. These were a blessing to us as very often they were unsolicited and came without strings attached.
- Photos of BAMOW donors.
1995 - God bless our Leaders.
BAMOW was blessed with volunteers who also felt strongly enough to lead the organization.
Over the many years of BAMOW existence, a small number of volunteers/leaders worked in the organization for decades carrying out various tasks to keep the organization humming. These folks were a blessing to us with their efforts clearly coming from their heart.
1996 - A very special Client!
This special client reached his 100th birthday and was given a pretty cake.
BAMOW volunteers have served many different kinds of clients over that last 40 years. And, the most noteworthy characteristic was their humility and thankfulness for someone who cared enough to provide something meaningful into their midst. We are blessed to serve our clients in the Clear Lake City community.
- Photo of 100 year old client on his birthday.
1998 - 1,000th Client!
This special client received the usual hot meal as well as a floral arrangement with a silver balloon.
This significant milestone must have opened the eyes of a lot of volunteers. 1,000 clients have been served! Really?
- Newspaper write-up of reaching 1,000 clients.
1999 - God bless our BOD.
Our Board of Directors has many faithful Volunteers who take turns leading the organization.
Many important issues of governance are managed by the BOD-volunteer recruitment, finance, outreach, sponsors etc.
2001 - Delivery by the Faithful.
Our faithful volunteers proved that neighbors helping neighbors yields rewards on both sides.
Much joy and satisfaction came from knowing that neighbors in need are being helped by a hot meal and a welfare check. Currently, if you feel you could help out and have a calling, go here to learn more.
- Photo of volunteers making a delivery.
2002 - 20 Year Anniversary.
After 20 Years of serving the greater Clear Lake City area, the organization was still going strong.
Twenty years is a long time for a non-profit to thrive when it only gets funding from the community and not governmental agencies. Part of the explanation is strong governance and part is strong individual contributions.
- Bay Area Meals on Wheels then-current Board of Directors.
2002 - Driven by a Calling.
Some BAMOW volunteers have such a strong calling they distinguish themselves in many ways.
How is it that some volunteers stand out from others in serving the BAMOW non-profit? A mentor? A family in need? Do unto others? A bible verse? For whatever reason, all results in a win-win for all concerned.
- Newspaper write-up on Bay Area Meals on Wheels president driven to help others.
2004 - 250,000 Meals!
Another important milestone was achieved-250,000 hot meals delivered to home-bound citizens.
250,000 meals is a lot of meals, representing upwards to $600,000 in donations from the community. This is not trivial!
- Photo of Volunteers delivering the milestone meal to home-bound citizens.
2004 - Volunteers Shine!
BAMOW relies heavily on its volunteers and constantly seeks new ways to inspire and recruit.
Our volunteers are periodically given service awards and recognition at special times of the year.
- 15 Year Service Award.
- 10 Year Service Award.
- 5 Year Service Award.
- Santa Claus comes to town: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
2005 - We Love Our Donors!
BAMOW greatly appreciates donations without which we would cease to operate.
Large and small donations trickle into BAMOW at all times of the year. If you are so moved to help others and can afford it, please go here to donate to us using an easy online credit card form.
- Photo of Volunteer accepting donation from local agency.
2011 - We Need Volunteers!
Our history and future are closely related to volunteers-even when we're well-established!
Since we know that our volunteers will come and go, we are constantly recruiting more volunteers. If you or those you know can help us, please fill out this online form so we can discuss how well we can potentially fit together.
- Newspaper write-up on the need for volunteers.
- Photo of volunteer accepting donation from local non-profit agency.
2012 - 30 Year Anniversary.
Service has now grown to 600 meals per week with 150 volunteers at the ready.
A wonderful invitation-only 30 Year Celebration was enjoyed at the JSC Gilruth Center on March 6, 2012.
- Newspaper write-up on 30 years of service to the community.
- Newspaper write-up on 30 Year Celebration at Gilruth Center.
- Photo of 30 Year Anniversary Celebration cake.
2013 - Donations are Wonderful!
Since meal service has risen steadily over the years, BAMOW constantly faces resource shortfalls.
BAMOW steadily expanded over the past 30 years to the extent that the sources of donated funds and volunteer help has taken on greater significance. Currently, if you or someone you know can help us find Volunteers and sources of Donations, please contact us ASAP. We would greatly appreciate it.
- Photo of donation being received from local agency.
20?? - Praise the Lord!
Over the past 40 years, the greater Clear Lake City community has demonstrated compassion.
Our amazing leaders have risen to the task of governance, our faithful volunteers have risen to the task of delivering hot meals in all kinds of weather (as well as providing welfare checks) and our compassionate community and agencies within have donated ample funds to keep our home-bound citizens fed with hot meals and sack lunches. We pray that the good Lord will inspire our community to accomplish similar results in the next 40 years of our existence.
Thank you for your support.